Types of IP addresses

TRIUMF Provides two types of IP addresses for devices connected to the TRIUMF IoT. The IP type depends on the device. They are:

  1. Static IP: Reserved for devices such as Wi-Fi cameras that need to be accessed and controlled on the Internet
  2. Dynamic IP: Reserved for devices such as TVs, that need to be on the Internet, but do not need to be controlled remotely.

Registering devices on TRIUMF IoT

For Static IP registration, you need to provide the MAC address of the wireless card and a device-name. For Dynamic IP registration, you only need to provide the MAC address of the wireless card. Device-name will be provided by the DHCP server.

Connecting to TRIUMF IoT

Once the device is registered on TRIUMF IoT network you need to go into the network setting of the device and in wireless SSID section either browse and choose TRIUMF IoT, or if browsing is not permitted just type TRIUMF IoT. For Encryption Cipher choose No encryption.

Depending on your device, the above steps may slightly be different. Please consult the manual that came with your device or contact the vendor.

Simple Connection Instructions for Linux

If you have nmcli installed, you can just copy and paste the command below into a terminal to create a connection profile for TRIUMF IoT:

nmcli connection add type wifi con-name 'TRIUMF IoT' ssid 'TRIUMF IoT'

Once added, you can connect to the IoT network either through your window manager's network connection tool (eg. nm-applet or GNOME system settings) or you can connect directly on the command-line with nmcli c up 'TRIUMF IoT'.

Note: you may need privileged access to your Linux system in order to use these commands. If you're using a desktop-focused distribution you will typically already have the permissions you need.

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