Account Request

To request a TRCOMP account, open a helpdesk ticket and provide the following information:

  • Full Name - indicate the family and given names if not obvious
  • TRIDENT username
  • Contact e-mail address
  • Category e.g. TRIUMF permanent-employee, coop-student, visiting-prof, visiting-student, etc.
  • Expected duration if not a TRIUMF permanent-employee
  • TRCOMP group membership

When you send in an account request, you will be asked to provide a public key for SSH access to the cluster node(s). If you already have one ready, then it would be helpful to include that with your request.

If you don't have an SSH keypair generated, you can follow these instructions in order to do so. Once you have your account created, you can follow the access instructions if you need additional information on how to login via SSH.

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